Want to join us?
There are many things that you can do to join the Honduras Baptist Dental Mission in helping to fill the spiritual and physical needs of Hondurans:
Pray for the Teams - every other week a team is in Honduras, helping the people of Honduras. See the Current Schedule to see which team is on Mission this week, and pray for them each day. The Mission is open Monday through Wednesday, evangelizing and seeing patients.
Go on Mission - the ultimate gift for those in Honduras! Spend a week in Honduras with a Mission Team, giving your time selflessly to serve Christ for your fellow man. See the Current Schedule to find a Mission team near you, or contact us to be connected with a team that may be looking for your help.
Make Family Packs - your local team will need as many Family Packs as possible. Each family pack is a ziplocked bag filled with basic needs for a family: toothbrush, toothpaste, washcloths and more, and are given directly to families and children as they come to our clinics for care. These packs have specific, government-regulated requirements, so be sure to talk to your Team Leader about how many packs your team needs, and what needs to go in a pack.
Make a Donation to the Mission - your tax-deductible gift to Honduras Baptist Dental Mission will be used to support the two resident Mission families in Honduras, build and maintain the Mission Compound. To make a donation, please see the Contact Page on our website and send your donation to the Mission address.
Make a Donation to a Team - if you have a friend or loved-one going on Mission with Honduras Baptist Dental Mission, you can make a donation directly to that team. Monies raised by the team go directly to the medical care and Bibles distributed on the Mission trip