John and Karen Ward
The Wards: John, Anna, Colby (Andrew’s wife), Andrew and Karen
John and Karen Ward made their first trip to Honduras serving with a team on a week-long trip. Leaving the country that week, they already felt a strong calling to return. They returned again for a second year, and were already planning to lead a team the following year. During that time, God called the Wards full-time to Honduras. This calling was not in their plans, but God had other plans for their lives! In January 2012, John left a healthcare facilities management position, and Karen a high school teaching position, to become full-time Missionaries for HBDM.
John and Karen’s children grew up on the mission field with their parents in Honduras. Andrew has joined the US Army as a Flight Medic, and is married to Colby (see picture above), who is finishing her RN degree. Anna is now college bound.
Many family sacrifices have been made over their 10+ years of service in Honduras, but the blessings have far outweighed them!
Here we are Lord, send us....
Jeff and Misti Fairchild
Jeff and Misti Fairchild have been on staff with HBDM for the past 5 years. They have been married since 1992. Jeff is an Endodontist and practiced in Gadsden, AL until 2017 when he retired to become a full time missionary. Misti is an RN. The Fairchild’s have 4 beautiful daughters, Blake is a Physician Assistant in Birmingham, AL. Sydney teaches Kindergarten in Attalla, AL and Mackenzie Kate is in Nursing school at UAB. Areli is their Honduran daughter and has recently moved to Australia after completing her MBA.
Jeff and Misti were members on various short term teams for 20 years before moving to Honduras full time. Discipleship and Bible study is a passion of theirs and consider it an honor to be able to fill an earthly need with the Heavenly will of God in making disciples.
See how the Lord called the Fairchilds to Honduras: